On Monday my friend Kim and I boarded the Pastime Princess for the annual Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival (SCBWF) pelagic trip out of Ponce Inlet. I used the same method as last time to track our trip. The light gray dotted line along the bottom of the map on the left side shows the Volusia County border; we were within Volusia waters for the entire trip.

Click here for full view of map
Seas were extremely calm, which unfortunately meant that few birds were on the wing. The easygoing, relaxed ride made it simple for me to check our location every half hour or so. The dock (start/end point) is somewhere northwest of point A in the inlet. When calculating distance between points, I used a straight line. At our farthest we were just about 50 miles offshore and we traveled a total of somewhere around 150 miles. I added a table to the end of this post showing where we were at what time.

placid water
From about 8:45 to about 11:30 we saw zero birds. Two Audubon’s Shearwaters in the early afternoon and a pair of jaegers (one Pomarine and one Parasitic) as we approached land on the way back were the most exciting birds. Northern Gannets were in relative abundance closer to shore and we could study their plumage cycles. In total I recorded 28 species, most of which were found in the inlet at the start and end of the day. I entered six eBird checklists; see the links at the end of this post.

Northern Gannet, 1st cycle
Four washback sea turtles were released near beds of Sargassum. Two of the youngsters were from the Marine Science Center and two were from Sea World. There were three Greens and one Loggerhead.

Michael Brothers holds baby sea turtles prior to release. Green on the left; Loggerhead on the right
We did see 6 to 8 adult Loggerhead Sea Turtles throughout the day. We also came across pods of Common Bottlenose (in the inlet) and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins during the journey. Twice we were lucky to have some spotteds join us as we clipped along at speed. They were a ton of fun to watch. Look for the baby in the below video.
Species list, January 27 2014 pelagic:
Black Scoter – Melanitta americana
Common Loon – Gavia immer
Audubon’s Shearwater – Puffinus lherminieri
Northern Gannet – Morus bassanus
Double-crested Cormorant – Phalacrocorax auritus
Brown Pelican – Pelecanus occidentalis
Great Blue Heron – Ardea herodias
Little Blue Heron – Egretta caerulea
Green Heron – Butorides virescens
Black-crowned Night-Heron – Nycticorax nycticorax
White Ibis – Eudocimus albus
Osprey – Pandion haliaetus
American Oystercatcher – Haematopus palliatus
Ruddy Turnstone – Arenaria interpres
Purple Sandpiper – Calidris maritima
Pomarine Jaeger – Stercorarius pomarinus
Parasitic Jaeger – Stercorarius parasiticus
Bonaparte’s Gull – Chroicocephalus philadelphia
Laughing Gull – Leucophaeus atricilla
Ring-billed Gull – Larus delawarensis
Herring Gull – Larus argentatus
Lesser Black-backed Gull – Larus fuscus
Great Black-backed Gull – Larus marinus
Royal Tern – Thalasseus maximus
Sandwich Tern – Thalasseus sandvicensis
Black Skimmer – Rynchops niger
Mourning Dove – Zenaida macroura
Boat-tailed Grackle – Quiscalus major
Here are my eBird checklists from the day:
eBird checklist: 6:45AM, 45 minutes, 5.35 miles
eBird checklist: 7:30AM, 1 hour 15 minutes, 15.98 miles
eBird checklist: 11:30AM, 2 hours, 25.85 miles
eBird checklist: 3:00PM, 30 minutes, 5.87 miles
eBird checklist: 3:30PM, 1 hour 10 minutes, 14.06 miles
eBird checklist: 4:40PM, 1 hour 50 minutes, 22.67 miles
Here’s where we were, when:
Marker | Time | Latitude, Longitude | Distance |
A | 6:47AM | 29 1.38N, 80 54.53W | – |
B | 7:32AM | 29 4.47N, 80 54.18W | 5.35 miles |
C | 7:50AM | 29 4.25N, 80 52.27W | 1.92 miles |
D | 8:19AM | 29 1.28N, 80 45.57W | 7.56 miles |
E | 8:45AM | 28 59.36N, 80 39.47W | 6.50 miles |
F | 9:43AM | 28 52.57N, 80 26.58W | 15.07 miles |
G | 10:23AM | 28 48.7N, 80 17.58W | 10.17 miles |
H | 11:04AM | 28 48.26N, 80 6.48W | 11.25 miles |
I | 11:36AM | 28 49.17N, 80 0.22W | 6.38 miles |
J | 12:25PM | 28 51.43N, 79 48.48W | 12.15 miles |
K | 1:00PM | 28 53.49N, 79 54.12W | 6.21 miles |
L | 1:30PM | 28 55.5N, 80 1.18W | 7.49 miles |
M | 2:01PM | 28 55.58N, 80 6.17W | 5.03 miles |
N | 2:31PM | 28 57.12N, 80 13.30W | 7.40 miles |
O | 3:01PM | 28 58.36N, 80 18.28W | 5.23 miles |
P | 3:32PM | 29 0.44N, 80 23.6W | 5.87 miles |
Q | 3:39PM | 29 1.56N, 80 27.54W | 4.14 miles |
R | 4:40PM | 29 3.39N, 80 37.14W | 9.92 miles |
S | 5:03PM | 29 3.58N, 80 43.51W | 6.41 miles |
T | 5.31PM | 29 4.52N, 80 51.45W | 8.08 miles |
return A | approx 6:30PM | – | 8.18 miles |