Hundreds of finches across Britain are dying from an outbreak of trichomoniasis, a parasite which causes the birds a painful death but is not harmful to humans. The disease is transmitted via water or saliva, as infected birds share bird feeders and baths with healthy birds. Garden hygiene can stop the spread and homeowners are asked to keep bird feeding areas clean and change the water supply regularly. Read more about the epidemic in Garden finches fall prey to deadly virus on the Times Online.
Rare Bird Seen Near Lawrence Kansas
“A white-tailed bird that is native to Central and South America has caused a stir by showing up near Lawrence. Bird watchers are flocking to the Lawrence are hoping to see the White-tailed Kite. Bird experts say it’s only the third documented sighting of the bird in Kansas.” Read the full article at WIBW.

White-tailed Kite, El Chorro Regional Park, San Luis Obispo, CA, 12 Feb 2011 by mikebaird, Creative Commons on Flickr
Storm Ernesto Unexpected Benefit For Birders
Tropical storm Ernesto’s strong winds grounded several pelagic birds along the New Jersey coast last week. Species like the Red-necked Phalarope, Arctic Tern and Sooty Tern were spotted at Sunset beach. Read more in the article Storm-tossed birds regroup in droves in the New Jersey Star-Ledger.
Are Starving Guillemots Hinting At Larger Seabird Crisis?
Guillemots are being found starved to death along the coast of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The birds are able to dive up to 300 feet for fish, so indications are suggesting that they are suffering from a chronic shortage of food. Read the full article Starving guillemots hint at seabird crisis on the RSPB website.
UK Raptors Boom While Eagles & Harriers Persecuted
“Britain’s birds of prey are doing better than ever before in modern times – with two notable exceptions. Many of the 15 species of eagles, buzzards, hawks and falcons that currently breed in Britain are on an upward curve, expanding both their numbers and their range, some spectacularly.” Hen harriers, which live on heather moorlands, come into conflict with grouse-shooting, while two golden eagles have been poisoned in Scotland in the past six months. Read the full story Birds of prey boom – but eagles and harriers still face persecution in the Independent.
Pigeon Deaths Put A Damper On Festival
A festival in Texarkana, Texas was spoiled as pigeons nose-dived into the pavement, dead. Other pigeons were discovered dying on city sidewalks after they ate poisoned corn. At least 25 sick or dead birds were collected by authorities. CapitalOne Bank had hired an exterminator to remove pigeons from their property after a bird got into the building and defecated on a customer. The poisoned corn was meant to sicken the birds and encourage them to roost elsewhere. Read the full story FALLING DEAD PIGEONS MAR CITY FESTIVAL in the Tyler Paper.
New Bird Species Discovered In India
“A striking multi-colored bird has been discovered in India’s remote northeast, making it the first ornithological find in the country in more than half a century, experts said on Tuesday. The Bugun Liocichla, scientifically known as Liocichla bugunorum, a kind of babbler, was discovered in May at the Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary in India’s hilly state of Arunachal Pradesh, bordering China. Experts verified the Bugun Liocichlas as a new species and the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature then approved the name.” Read the full story New bird found in India after more than 50 years at Reuters.
Nightjars Return To Shropshire
“A pair of rare and secretive birds has been found in Shropshire for the first time in more than 20 years. The return of the nightjars, which are on the red list of threatened species in the UK, has sparked hopes of a revival of the bird in the area.” Read more in the BBC article Secretive birds return to county.
Dead Birds Wash Up On Alaska Island
Over 1,600 dead sea birds washed ashore on Unalaska Island last week. The reason for the deaths is so far unknown. Read the full article Hundreds of dead birds wash up on Unalaska Island.
Reward Offered For Bird Death Info
Montana “officials are offering a reward for information in the deaths of more than 50 baby bluebirds and Tree Swallows, and the vandalism of 15 nesting boxes. The vandalism occurred sometime around July 21 along a county road in the Highwood Mountains near Belt.” For more details, read the full story State offers reward in bird deaths in the Billings Gazette.