Here are some of the more interesting search terms that brought visitors to this site during May 2011. This is part of an ongoing monthly series on blog search terms.
I thought there were a lot of frigatebird-related queries in March, but May was through the roof, with these new search terms bringing visitors to the site:
- how many frigatebirds are left in texas
- illinois frigate bird
- is it legal to own a magnificent frigatebird
- list of infamous behavior for magnificent frigatebird (no!)
- magnificent frigatebird enemies
- pete dunne magnificent frigatebird robin
- comic book airplane with wings like a frigate bird
- frigate parrot
- frigate bird adaptive radiation
- food chain of magnificent frigate bird
Falling under the oddly specific category were the following searches:
- tired all the time and have green poo
- robin’s nest on the ladder in my garage
Typos and spelling mistakes that made me laugh were:
- sand wheat owl
- audobon’s perraqueet
Head-scratchers of the month:
- what is the true name for the “telephone bird” (anyone know?)
- what bird hangs out with geese?
- what does it mean when a blue heron bird fly over you
- how michigan and missouri differ
The most satisfying search terms to find in my statistics are those where I know the searcher found exactly what they were looking for. So I was happy to see these in May:
- are there loons in illinois
- how owl banding works
- mourning doves grooming each other
- robin nest in yard, tips
- what size leg band adult blue jay?
My favorite search term for the month of May was killer vulture toy.
Finally, someone came to this site by searching barn owl garden carol stream il 2011 events. In case they didn’t find what they were looking for, there will be live birds of prey on display from Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation at the Barn Owl Garden Center in Carol Stream this Saturday, June 4th from 11am to 2pm. Will you be there?