Today is the 72nd day of the year. Last year I made it through 144 days in the Bird-a-Day Challenge, so I’m just shy of halfway to making my goal (to beat last year’s total). The halfway point seems like a good time for me to share some more awful photos and a little progress update.
As in my last update, 10 birds of the most recent bunch came from Gemini Springs: Blue-winged Teal; Fox Sparrow; Tree Swallow; Pine Warbler; Glossy Ibis; Northern Harrier; Bald Eagle; Marsh Wren; White-eyed Vireo; and today’s Double-crested Cormorant.

06-MAR: Northern Harrier showing white rump very nicely! | Gemini Springs, Volusia Co. FL
Two birds were found at Epcot: Ring-billed Gull and Green Heron. Two birds came from Trout Lake, a rather dry wetland along I4 in Orange City: Wood Stork and Least Sandpiper.
I only went to the coast with Arthur twice in this last bunch, where I used Dunlin on February 20th, and a famous Lesser Black-backed Gull on February 27th (more on this bird in a future post).

27-FEB: Lesser Black-backed Gull | Frank Rendon Park, Daytona Beach Shores, Volusia Co. FL
On a really nice six-mile walk at Lake Woodruff NWR on March 10th I used one of the first birds I saw as I began my walk: Sedge Wren.

10-MAR: Sedge Wren | Lake Woodruff NWR, Volusia Co. FL
I only used one yard bird: Common Grackle; the rest of the birds came from various locations during routine errands or making stops between errands or other outings. In this way I used a surprise inland Brown Pelican on a volunteer day at Audubon Center for Birds of Prey; a Cattle Egret between house viewings in DeBary; one of the many abundant Savannah Sparrows at Audubon Park during a pit stop on the way home on February 28th; and a Bonaparte’s Gull at Merritt Island NWR before viewing the SpaceX launch from nearby Playalinda Beach.

01-MAR: Bonaparte’s Gull | Peacock’s Pocket, Merritt Island NWR, Brevard Co. FL
The next couple of weeks should be fine, but I’m expecting some major (but very welcome! and very good!) disruptions to my normal routine coming up in April, including some highly anticipated visits from a good friend and my in-laws. Eek! For now though, I’m halfway there! Onward to the next 72!