Note: this post is back-dated
In June I did my own version of the Green Challenge. Like the standard challenge dictates, I was looking for birds in a single county. I allowed heard-only birds on my list though, and I only listed “green” birds. I had hoped to find 80 species, but I fell short, tallying 77 — the same total I had for this challenge in 2015 (the last time I tried). The complete list is at the end of this post.
Here are some photo highlights from the month.

Red-shouldered Hawk at Audubon Park | 05 June 2017

Sandhill Cranes at Audubon Park | 05 June 2017
I completed 29 checklists during the month. I went to 14 different local birding spots, plus counted birds at home and as I was biking in several locations. I ended up biking over 165 miles.

Limpkin at Lake Monroe Park | 08 June 2017

Eastern Bluebird at Quail Lakes Powerline Trails | 10 June 2017
On the 10th I went to the Quail Lakes Powerline Trails to look for a few target species: Eastern Bluebird; Eastern Towhee; Red-headed Woodpecker; Common Ground-Dove; Florida Scrub-Jay; and Northern Bobwhite. I found all of them, but the bobwhite and scrub-jay were extremely frustratingly heard-only. I stood around for a half hour waiting for a jay to pop up but I didn’t have any luck. What a ridiculous species to record as heard-only. As a consolation I added Killdeer, Northern Flicker, and Brown Thrasher here too.

Eastern Towhee at Quail Lakes Powerline Trails | 10 June 2017

bear tracks at Quail Lakes Powerline Trails | 10 June 2017

Red-headed Woodpecker at Quail Lakes Powerline Trails | 10 June 2017

Six-lined Racerunner at Quail Lakes Powerline Trails | 10 June 2017
The best finds of the month were Roseate Spoonbill and Pied-billed Grebe. A birding friend tipped me off on the spoonbill and I headed out on my bike just minutes later, with sunset fast approaching. I hadn’t seen a “green” Roseate Spoonbill for years, but the grebe was a big surprise — I’ve NEVER had one in June before. Purple Gallinule, Mottled Duck, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and Yellow-throated Vireo were all also new green birds for June listing. I was also happy to find Least Bittern at Lake Monroe Boat Ramp, and Purple Martin & Cooper’s Hawk at Gemini Springs.

Purple Gallinule at Lake Monroe Conservation Area | 13 June 2017

Happy birder at Mariner’s Cove after finding a Yellow-billed Cuckoo | 18 June 2017

Little Blue Heron at Gemini Springs | 20 June 2017

Common Ground-Dove at Dewey Boster Park | 26 June 2017
Before the month began I made a list of past “green” June birds as well as some targets I thought I might have a chance to find. There were some big misses. Wood Stork, American Coot, and Wood Duck shouldn’t have been too hard, but they evaded me. If I had gone birding at a few spots I ended up skipping, I could have probably added Bachman’s Sparrow and Common Yellowthroat. I kept hearing Common Nighthawks on early morning runs but I drove to those. Each time I biked out after dark or before sunrise I struck out.

Eastern Cottontail at Dewey Boster Park | 26 June 2017

Marsh Rabbits at Gemini Springs | 27 June 2017

Great Egret at Gemini Springs | 27 June 2017

Green Heron at Gemini Springs | 27 June 2017
That’s it for June! In July I decided to have a running streak (where I ran at least a mile a day and ended up with 112+ total miles run, my first 100+ month!) so I didn’t get to bird too much.
1 | Carolina Wren | 06/01 | home |
2 | Northern Cardinal | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
3 | Northern Parula | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
4 | Red-bellied Woodpecker | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
5 | Common Gallinule | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
6 | Mourning Dove | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
7 | Little Blue Heron | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
8 | Black-necked Stilt | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
9 | Tricolored Heron | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
10 | Red-winged Blackbird | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
11 | Boat-tailed Grackle | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
12 | Great Crested Flycatcher | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
13 | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
14 | Barred Owl | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
15 | Chimney Swift | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
16 | Downy Woodpecker | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
17 | Pileated Woodpecker | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
18 | American Crow | 06/01 | Gemini Springs |
19 | Wild Turkey | 06/02 | home |
20 | White-eyed Vireo | 06/02 | home |
21 | Blue Jay | 06/02 | home |
22 | Fish Crow | 06/02 | home |
23 | Tufted Titmouse | 06/02 | home |
24 | Common Grackle | 06/02 | DeBary Hall |
25 | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | 06/03 | home |
26 | Muscovy Duck | 06/03 | Deltona Landings |
27 | Great Egret | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
28 | Great Blue Heron | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
29 | Anhinga | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
30 | Glossy Ibis | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
31 | Osprey | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
32 | Bald Eagle | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
33 | White Ibis | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
34 | Red-shouldered Hawk | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
35 | Limpkin | 06/03 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
36 | Mallard | 06/03 | Deltona Landings |
37 | Mottled Duck | 06/03 | Deltona Landings |
38 | House Sparrow | 06/03 | Deltona Landings |
39 | Black Vulture | 06/03 | home |
40 | Black-bellied Whistling-Duck | 06/05 | Audubon Park |
41 | Swallow-tailed Kite | 06/05 | Audubon Park |
42 | Sandhill Crane | 06/05 | Audubon Park |
43 | Cattle Egret | 06/05 | Audubon Park |
44 | Carolina Chickadee | 06/05 | Audubon Park |
45 | Double-crested Cormorant | 06/05 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
46 | Least Bittern | 06/05 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
47 | Least Tern | 06/05 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
48 | Barn Swallow | 06/05 | Deltona |
49 | Snowy Egret | 06/06 | Gemini Springs |
50 | Loggerhead Shrike | 06/06 | Gemini Springs |
51 | Northern Mockingbird | 06/06 | Gemini Springs |
52 | Red-tailed Hawk | 06/06 | DeBary Memorial Park |
53 | Roseate Spoonbill | 06/07 | Ft Smith/Drysdale Pond |
54 | Pied-billed Grebe | 06/07 | Ft Smith/Drysdale Pond |
55 | Purple Martin | 06/08 | Gemini Springs |
56 | Cooper’s Hawk | 06/08 | Gemini Springs |
57 | Northern Bobwhite | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
58 | Eastern Towhee | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
59 | Killdeer | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
60 | Red-headed Woodpecker | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
61 | Eastern Bluebird | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
62 | Brown Thrasher | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
63 | Common Ground-Dove | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
64 | Northern Flicker | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
65 | Florida Scrub-Jay | 06/10 | Quail Lakes |
66 | Green Heron | 06/10 | DeBary Country Club |
67 | Eastern Meadowlark | 06/13 | Lake Monroe C.A. |
68 | Purple Gallinule | 06/13 | Lake Monroe C.A. |
69 | European Starling | 06/14 | DeBary |
70 | Yellow-billed Cuckoo | 06/18 | Mariner’s Cove |
71 | Red-eyed Vireo | 06/18 | Mariner’s Cove |
72 | Pine Warbler | 06/18 | Deltona / Enterprise |
73 | Rock Pigeon | 06/20 | Lake Monroe Park |
74 | Turkey Vulture | 06/20 | Lake Monroe Park |
75 | Northern Rough-winged Swallow | 06/21 | Lake Monroe Boat Ramp |
76 | White-winged Dove | 06/26 | Dewey Boster Park |
77 | Yellow-throated Vireo | 06/27 | Gemini Springs |