In April I birded at 10 different spots to add to my 2015 green year list. I ended up with 93 different species total for April, with 73 found at Gemini Springs (previous April Gemini Springs totals: 68 in 2014; 55 in 2013; and 67 in 2012).
I added 12 new species to my year list: Prothonotary Warbler was a shocker at home; Black-necked Stilt, Solitary Sandpiper, Least Tern, Black-throated Blue Warbler, and longtime nemesis Worm-eating Warbler at Gemini Springs; Chimney Swift along the Spring-to-spring Trail; Northern Bobwhite, Florida Scrub-Jay, and Red-headed Woodpecker at a new-to-me spot, the Quail Lakes Powerline Trails; and Yellow-billed Cuckoo and American Redstart at Audubon Park.
Here are some photographic highlights from my green birding outings in April!

Bald Eagle at Gemini Springs | 01 April 2015

Virginia Opossum at Gemini Springs | 01 April 2015

Barred Owl at Gemini Springs | 04 April 2015

Cedar Waxwings at Gemini Springs | 04 April 2015

Indigo Buntings at home | 06 April 2015 (photo by Arthur)

Prothonotary Warbler at home | 06 April 2015

Black-necked Stilt at Gemini Springs | 07 April 2015

Wedding at Gemini Springs | 11 April 2015
On April 13th I biked to northern DeBary to check out a spot I had seen a fellow eBirder visiting on occasion (from eBird alerts for birds I was missing for Volusia County). Via email the birder kindly gave me some intel on access to the trails at Quail Lakes, and I was pleased to be able to add my two target species: Florida Scrub-Jay and Red-headed Woodpecker. Northern Bobwhite and my lifer green Florida Softshell Turtle were bonus sightings at this spot which was about a 15 mile round trip ride.

Florida Scrub-Jay at Quail Lakes | 13 April 2015

Sandhill Crane at Quail Lakes | 13 April 2015

Florida Softshell Turtle at Quail Lakes | 13 April 2015

Little Blue Herons at Gemini Springs | 14 April 2015

Sunrise at Gemini Springs | 15 April 2015

Painted Bunting at home | 15 April 2015

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck at Audubon Park | 17 April 2015

American River Otter at Audubon Park | 17 April 2015

Southern Black Racer at Gemini Springs | 20 April 2015

Marsh Rabbit at Gemini Springs | 20 April 2015

Tricolored Heron at Gemini Springs | 20 April 2015

Spotted Sandpiper at Gemini Springs | 21 April 2015
At the end of the month, Arthur’s cousin visited us with her husband and two kids. We walked at Gemini Springs on their first afternoon with us and the local patch delivered! I haven’t seen a group of more than two Barred Owls all spring, but we managed to find two babies being attended by two adults during our short walk. Lifer owls all around! Then a group of three Swallow-tailed Kites soared above. What? I rarely see kites at Gemini Springs — here’s a group of three?! The first alligator and Osprey of the trip were also spotted here before we left.

Barred Owl family at Gemini Springs | 24 April 2015

Swallow-tailed Kite at Gemini Springs | 24 April 2015
3 Responses to Green Birding in Southwest Volusia County, April 2015