My parents had a back yard treat last month — a Cooper’s Hawk having lunch in the snow.

Cooper’s Hawk with prey, 27-FEB-13 | Chicago area, IL | photo by Mary Evenstad
Look at how the Mourning Doves on the left side of the below photo aren’t bothered at all (actually I would guess they are totally oblivious) as the Cooper’s Hawk eats away on the other side of the yard.

Cooper’s Hawk and Mourning Doves, 27-FEB-13 | Chicago area, IL | photo by Mary Evenstad
I think the prey item is a Hairy or Downy Woodpecker based on the striping on the plucked feathers. It’s not a Mourning Dove… maybe that’s why the other doves didn’t head for the hills? Here’s a short video of the Cooper’s Hawk with its lunch.
Cooper’s Hawk with lunch, 27-FEB-13 | Chicago area, IL | video by Mary Evenstad
Thanks, Mom!!