Continuing with the Illinois Audubon Fall Gathering posts, our afternoon field trip on Saturday was a visit to Barnswallow, a wild bird rehabilitation center located near Wauconda. Owner and chief operator Linda showed us around her home where she cares for injured raptors and other wild birds.
Linda was still caring for several late songbird chicks and she told us about the current patients: Cedar Waxwings; Northern Cardinals; and Chimney Swifts. Linda’s target species are primarily raptors, but all patients are welcome at Barnswallow. This season she had an inordinate amount of songbirds to care for.
Besides learning about what goes on at Barnswallow, we were able to meet a few of the resident birds who were presented with the help of some of Linda’s young volunteers.
Linda’s got a first-class rehab facility set up in her home and it was a pleasure to visit her and see the great work she’s doing. You can visit Barnswallow on the web to learn more.
As I didn’t want to use flash during the presentation, most of my photos turned out blurry, but here are a few of the resident birds we got to meet.
Here Linda stands in the clinic with three of her young volunteers, each handling a bird.

This is Carson, an American Kestrel.

This is Hubie, an Eastern Screech Owl. Hubie was in the middle of molting so he looked a little scruffy.

This is Griffin, a Barred Owl who was injured by colliding with a car.

This is Boopie, a Northern Saw-whet Owl.

Here are a few more photos from Barnswallow that I found on Flickr. They come from the account of JanetandPhil and were taken in March 2009.

2009-03-28 Barnswallow – A Wild Bird Concern 12 by JanetandPhil, Creative Commons on Flickr

2009-03-28 Barnswallow – A Wild Bird Concern 4 by JanetandPhil, Creative Commons on Flickr

2009-03-28 Barnswallow – A Wild Bird Concern 9 by JanetandPhil, Creative Commons on Flickr

2009-03-28 Barnswallow – A Wild Bird Concern 8 by JanetandPhil, Creative Commons on Flickr
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