Wayback Machine: Yard Visitors 2013-2014
Soon after we moved into our new home in DeBary, Florida, I started collecting mediocre photos of some of the birds and animals that visited our yard, with grand ideas of making regular blog posts. Now the folder has been sitting untouched on my computer for almost 5 years and rather than delete them I’ve decided to make one dump post. Away, to the past!

Squirrel monching a mushroom | June 13 2013
Raccoon visits our back yard | June 19 2013
Squirrel on a hot day | June 19 2013
Northern Cardinal baby boom | June 19 2013
Our bare back yard (it’s a jungle now) | July 01 2013
Red-shouldered Hawk scoping for noms | July 01 2013
Red-shouldered Hawk with skink | July 01 2013
Squirrel monching on Queen Palm nuts — messy trees gone now | July 03 2013
Neighborhood Indian Peafowl in our front yard (RIP Fred) | August 08 2013
Skink | August 16 2013
Male Painted Bunting with molting female Northern Cardinal | August 18 2013
Yellow Warbler (first/last time a YEWA in our yard) | August 23 2013
Wahahahaha aw poor thing / Blue Jay ear | August 28 2013
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | August 28 2013
Green Anole | August 31 2013
Infrequent visitor – Yellow-throated Warbler | September 06 2013
You want ants? This is how you get ants. | September 10 2013
Red-shouldered Hawk with 1/2 skink | September 14 2013
Bathing Mourning Dove | October 11 2013
That time we had a gang of Indigo Buntings in the yard | October 21 2013
Monarchs monching milkweed | November 11 2013
I think this is a Luna Moth caterpillar | November 20 2013
Eastern Phoebe | November 24 2013
Little Brown Bat in the back yard batcave (dilapidated shed) | January 01 2014
Male House Finch | March 22 2014
That one time a Rose-breasted Grosbeak visited our yard | April 22 2014
Sandhill Cranes in the front yard | October 02 2014