In March as part of our visit to Rajasthan in India we had the chance to visit a bird hospital in Delhi. The hospital is run by Jains at the 16th-century Digambara Jain Temple.

Mural on the Jain Bird Hospital
Followers of the Jain religion revere all life and are vegetarians. Some strict observers wear cloths in front of their mouths in order to avoid accidental inhalation of insects, and brush the ground before them as they walk, so as not to step on any living thing.
Unfortunately we arrived at the hospital after the normal opening times and could only have a quick look at the facility. Here are some photos we took at the hospital.
Top left to bottom right: The exterior of the temple complex; the hospital facility; some patient roosts; the “small birds ward”.

The exterior or the temple complex

The hospital facility

Patient roosts

“Small Birds Ward”
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