It was revealed that this year three new bird species have been breeding in the forest ‘Broekbos’, part of the larger Harderbos natural area in Flevoland, the Netherlands. At least 61 different species are known to raise chicks in the woods.
Of the 61 species of birds breeding in the Broekbos, twelve of them are rare or endangered, including Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus).
Forest management for the woods has made the environment more appealing for birds by increasing the amount of water in the area. Forest workers have also repaired the reedbed to make more enticing habitat. Because of efforts like this, the Bearded Reedling has increased from one breeding pair to five breeding pairs in three years.
The Broekbos has also been successful in appealing to migratory birds to use the area as a stopping off point during their trek. In October and November this year 375 Red-Crested Pochards were counted in the waters of Broekbos, which accounts for about 2% of the global population.
Natuurmonumenten has created four routes for visitors to walk through the Broekbos, ranging from 2.5 to 9.5 kilometers. Because the trails can be wet, it is recommended to wear waterproof shoes or boots. There is one bird hide along the routes.
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