On November 1st the Dutch city of Leiden will host an international conference. The subject: Gull nuisance in city environments. Representatives from cities in the Netherlands and abroad will be present, along with city biologists and the Dutch partner of BirdLife International, Vogelbescherming.
Leiden is not alone as a city whose citizens complain of resident gulls. The birds open garbage containers in search of food and in the breeding season cause noise pollution as they seek mates and protect their young. Leiden has tried employing raptors and removing gull eggs from nests but these solutions did not significantly reduce the nuisance caused by the birds.
During the conference, the experts will exchange ideas and brainstorm solutions to gull nuisance problems. A new survey in cooperation with the University of Leiden is also planned. Political party CDA will propose discussion on two plans: using falcons to scare gulls away and dipping the gull eggs with oil.
City alderman John Steegh has sought an exemption from the Flora and Fauna law in order to fight the gulls by killing them, a plan opposed by animal rights groups. After the conference Steegh will decide how to proceed.
Source: Leiden houdt conferentie over meeuwenoverlast
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