On May 10, 2012, I took a hike at my old patch, Rollins Savanna, while visiting my parents in Lake County, Illinois. During my walk I saw a trio of Sandhill Cranes.

The birds were remarkable for two reasons: 1) they were being harassed by a determined Red-winged Blackbird, and 2) one of the cranes was banded. I dutifully reported the sighting.

Two weeks ago, I received this certificate of appreciation. Click the certificate to see full size.

The bird I saw was about three years old at the time and was banded not too far away at Chain O Lakes State Park as a pre-fledgling. How cool is that? This was the first time I reported a banded bird (though since then I reported another and heard back from the bander shortly thereafter). This is the first green certificate I’ve received. 😀