Author Archives: Amy

Bald Eagle Family Of Llano, Texas

A family of bald eagles has returned to their Llano County, Texas nest site. The group of three adult birds tend to a nest nine miles north of Llano on Texas Highway 29. The adult eagles, two females and one male, have been tending to the nest this season. One eaglet hatched in late January. Excellent photos and nest activity details are captured at Cottonwood Photography.

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Belgium: Protected Birds Shot & Poisoned

In the last few weeks dozens of protected birds have been illegally shot or poisoned in Beglium. The culprits are hunters, who consider the birds of prey to be “competitors”. The bird protection group Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen has asked the government to take action.

On Friday a forest ranger from the natural area Opglabbeek found a dead red kite, a rarely seen raptor. The bird was shot and had lead in the chest and leg area.

A spokesperson for Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen said, “Every year, just before the breeding period, many birds of prey are shot and poisoned. The poisoned birds eat bait set out for foxes.”

Vogelbescherming also points out that the poison is a health hazard for humans. The poisons release dangerous toxins in the atmosphere, like strychnine and carbofuran.

Beschermde vogels geschoten en vergiftigd

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Bohemian Waxwings Invade The Netherlands!

Nature organizations and volunteers conducted a survey of Bohemian Waxwings in the Netherlands on 4 and 5 February. Waxwings are not native to the Netherlands.

A total of 1745 birds were counted. The birds come from arctic forests and have typically been rare visitors to the Netherlands. According to, a website where users can note birds and other animals they have spotted in the wild, it is the third time in four years that the number of Waxwings counted in the Netherlands has increased. This year, however, was the first time an organized count was conducted.

Most of the birds were counted in Gelderland, with 443 individuals counted in ten groups. Many birds were also noted in the provinces Zuid Holland, Noord Holland, Overijssel and Utrecht. In the other provinces a maximum of 4 groups per province was noted.

The Waxwings are presently concentrated in the middle of the country. At the beginning of January a great number of the birds were noted in the north of the country, but most of them have now disappeared. Therefore it is expected that the population is moving south, as it has also been noticed in past years.

The Waxwing lives in the forest in northern areas, but while overwintering in the Netherlands they prefer to roost in urban areas. The birds are not afraid of people, likely because in their breeding areas they normally don’t have contact with humans.

Because of their unexpected, invasive behavior, in earlier times they were considered to be bringers of misfortune, hence their Dutch name Pestvoge”, or plague bird.

Source: Resultaten Pestvogeltelling 4 en 5 februari 2006

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Sea Eagle Populations Soar, Head For Holland

In the German areas of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, the sea eagle population has gone from just four pairs thirty years ago to 68 pairs today. Lower pesticide use and rehabilitation of wetland environments are reasons for the remarkable comeback of this majestic bird.

The German sea eagles have spread to Denmark, which now plays host to at least 15 breeding pairs.

Dutch bird watchers have spotted young sea eagles hunting in the Netherlands in the winter months and hope to have breeding pairs residing in the area soon.

Sea eagles are nomadic for the first four years of their lives, seeking out new territory for when they are ready to settle down.

Source: Sea eagles soar back as polluted wetlands recover

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