Author Archives: Amy

WIngs: Tips For Preventing Bird Window Collisions

The Wisconsin Humane Society has recently launched the campaign WIngs: Wisconsin Night Guardians for Songbirds. The campaign focuses on the prevention of bird window collisions.

Birds may be confused by reflected landscapes in windows and crash into them. They might also see through a building’s windows on both sides and think they can fly through as if going through a tunnel. Night-migrating birds also may be confused by brightly lit buildings and fly towards them or around them until they become exhausted.

Here are some tips on how to prevent needless bird injuries and deaths from window collisions.

1. Close curtains to prevent the tunnel effect.
2. Apply window clings or ribbons to windows.
3. Install bird feeders very close or very far from windows.

There are more practical tips to be found on the WIngs website.

Posted in North America, Websites & Blogs, Yard Birds | Leave a comment

Burrowing Owl Festival, Cape Coral Florida

The fourth annual Burrowing Owl Festival will take place in Cape Coral, Florida this Saturday, February 18.

Cape Coral is the home to Florida’s largest population of Burrowing Owls. The birds, among the smallest of owls, grow to approximately 9 inches in height. They make their homes in new or existing burrows in the ground. They are active in daylight and during the night.

The nesting season for the owls starts in mid-February and lasts until July. Since the birds live on and under the ground, domestic cats and dogs, as well as foxes, pose a threat.

The birds are protected by Florida state law and a permit is required if construction is to destroy an empty owl nest. Cape Coral has a “Starter Burrow” program to help residents who want to attract the birds to their property.

Events planned for this year’s festival include educational programs with live owls; workshops on digging starter burrows; nature walks; and an appearance by mascot Bob the Burrowing Owl. The event takes place at Rotary Park and admission is just $1 for visitors over 12; children are free. For more information see the website of the Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife.

Burrowing Owls – the Cape’s Other Greatest Asset
The Burrowing Owls of Cape Coral, Florida
Official bird gets boost

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Dutch Safety Authority: More Dead Bird Reports

In recent days, Dutch citizens have been more likely to report sightings of dead ducks, geese and other birds. That is according to a statement made by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA) on Wednesday. The media attention on the bird flu virus has made people more alert.

Since the discovery of the H5N1 virus in European countries, including Italy and Greece, dozens of dead bird reports have been called in each day in the Netherlands, according to the inspection division of the interior cabinet (AID). Back in January, the number of reports was about one per week.

Last fall the AID opened a hotline (045-546-6230) which people can use to call in dead bird reports. The dead birds are picked up by the VWA and are tested for the flu virus if necessary. So far the virus has not been found in any birds in the Netherlands.

Source: VWA: meer meldingen dode vogels

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Birdlife Finland Launches New Campaign, Website

Birdlife Finland launched a new website this week,, designed to highlight the need to save the forests in the south of the country. The website, in Finnish, Swedish and English, features information on seventeen forests in southern Finland which are currently unprotected.

According to the website of BirdLife International:

“Birds such as Siberian Jay Perisoreus infaustus, Capercaille Tetrao urogallus, and the White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopus leucotus, as well as hundreds of insects, plants and fungi have already become extinct or are rare in the region directly as a result of clear cutting and modern forestry methods that leave little room for wildlife or for visitors.”

Source: New website to safeguard Finland’s forests

Posted in Aside, Endangered, Europe, Websites & Blogs | Leave a comment

European Parliament Wants More Space For Chickens

The coops for poultry chickens should be larger, according to a statement made by the European Parliament this Tuesday. The proposal was made by Dutch politician Thijs Berman.

Chickens should have about 10 percent more space by 2013, according to the Parliament. The current standard says that chickens of 38kg need to have one meter of space. That weight class will be lowered to 34kg. With this new regulation the Parliament sends a clear message that animal well-being is important, according to a spokesperson.

Critics of the plan say that more research should be done on the impact of increased space. Another fear is that European chicken farmers will not be able to compete with Brazilian farmers.

Source: Europarlement: grotere hokken voor vleeskippen

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Roof Homes For Sparrows

The common sparrow in the Dutch towns of Noordwijk, Amsterdam, Alkmaar and Hardenberg will soon have more places to call home. A test project on home roofs in these communities will provide housing specially designed for the sparrows, so that they are sure to have nesting area available.

In 2005 the wild sparrow took several blows in the Netherlands. Openings in homes and roofs were better sealed. The amount of shrubs in parks, sidewalks and other public places was reduced for security reasons. Sparrows prefer to make their nests in openings in buildings, or in the tight branches of shrubs and bushes.

Sparrow roof tile nest box In order to give the sparrow abundant nesting areas in neighborhoods, the roofing firm Comfortdak has designed a special roof tile, the Vogelvide (see photo), which allows sparrows to nest near the foot of the roof. The first unit was placed on a rental house in on the Abraham Rademakerstraat in Noordwijk during a presentation by the bird protection group Vogelbescherming Nederland on Tuesday. In total approximately 100 homes will be fitted with the special tiles.

Huisje voor huismus
Vogelvide – redding voor huismus?
Photo from Vogelbescherming Nederland website

Posted in Netherlands, Science & Tech | Leave a comment

It’s Official: Dutch Chickens Must Be Penned

Free range chickens, ducks and other poultry birds in the Netherlands must be penned or otherwise sheltered from contact with wild birds starting February 20. The measure is to prevent the H5N1 virus from spreading into the country. The Dutch interior minister Veerman declared this new regulation on Monday in response to the virus being found in three EU countries: Greece, Italy and Slovenia.

Initially Veerman called the cooping up of birds to begin on March 1st. A spokesperson from the Dutch Organization for Poultry Farmers (NOP) was satisfied with the measures taken by the government. He stated that everyone from tourists to bird farmers should be aware of the situation and alert to the dangers on the spread of the virus.

Source: Nederlandse kippen versneld opgehok

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Dutch Poultry Farmers To Coop Up Birds

Now that H5N1 has been found in the European Union, Dutch poultry farmers are advised to pen their birds as soon as possible.

“The sooner the better” said Jan Wolleswinkel, from the Dutch Organization for Poultry Farmers (NOP). The group is imposing a rule on the nation’s farmers to pen their birds.

The Netherlands interior minister has already called on farmers to shelter their birds away from possible contact with migratory birds from March 1.

Source: Kippenboeren willen snel ophokken

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